Sony WH-1000XM5 review: The best noise-canceling headphones just got better - The Fact Factory

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Wednesday 18 May 2022

Sony WH-1000XM5 review: The best noise-canceling headphones just got better

Calling a product ‘the best’ of anything isn’t something I take lightly. Everybody has different preferences and needs, so I always try to tailor recommendations to a person’s tastes. But when someone asks “what noise-canceling headphones should I get?” my answer is almost always “the Sonys.” Okay, sometimes one of Bose’s latest models gets the nod too, and I actually tend to find Bose’s sound more neutral out of the box. And there are other excellent options for those on a budget. But Sony has been driving progress in the noise-canceling headphone space for the past several years, and the…

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