Exclusive: John Deere closes in on fully autonomous farming with its latest AI acquisition - The Fact Factory

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Tuesday 17 May 2022

Exclusive: John Deere closes in on fully autonomous farming with its latest AI acquisition

John Deere is announcing the acquisition of a state-of-the-art algorithm package from artificial intelligence startup Light. For those of you wondering when driverless vehicles will truly begin to make their mark on society, the answer is: today. Up front: No, you won’t be seeing green tractors rolling themselves down city streets anytime soon. But the timeline for fully autonomous farming is being massively accelerated. Today’s purchase is all about John Deere’s need for speed — and accuracy, but first let’s talk about rapid development. I spoke with Jorge Heraud, John Deere’s VP of Automation and Autonomy, and Willy Pell, VP…

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