Did you catch all those Super Bowl EV ads? Well, WE RATED THEM - The Fact Factory

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Monday 14 February 2022

Did you catch all those Super Bowl EV ads? Well, WE RATED THEM

This Sunday saw Super Bowl LVI, an event where the half-time entertainment and TV commercials are as much a part of the occasion as the game itself.  And in the year of our lord 2022? EV makers went all in, spending a sizable chunk of their marketing budgets on advertising. So, how do they stack up? And who were the winners and losers? Let’s take a look: BMW   BMW’s effort brings an update and electrification to Greek mythology. Gods Zeus (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and Hera (Salma Hayek Pinault) retire to Palm Springs, California.  To keep the spark alive, Hera gifts…

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