Help kill the ‘Bernie sitting’ meme with this easy-to-use image generator - The Fact Factory

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Tuesday 26 January 2021

Help kill the ‘Bernie sitting’ meme with this easy-to-use image generator

If you’re even slightly ‘online,’ the Bernie sitting meme has been unmissable. It hit fever pitch just before the weekend — and that means one thing: it’s now passé. The internet moves so quickly that a few days of popularity is a practically an epoch. But just because the Bernie sitting meme is over, doesn’t mean it’s dead. Far from it. To paraphrase an excellent tweet, we’ll soon enter its ‘mom phase.’ You know, that terrible time in a meme’s lifecycle where your relatives post it on Facebook with captions like “LOL IM DED,” “HAHA,” and “SOCIALISM IS CANCER.” There’s…

This story continues at The Next Web

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