Browning bananas under threat as Philippines approves gene-edited version - The Fact Factory

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Friday 12 May 2023

Browning bananas under threat as Philippines approves gene-edited version

Overripe bananas could soon become a mere memory — in the Philippines, at least. Tropic Biosciences, a startup in the UK, has tapped gene editing to banish the browning fruit — and mitigate the havoc that it’s wreaking. Currently, over 60% of exported bananas go to waste before reaching consumers. According to Tropic, the non-browning version could cut food waste and CO2 emissions in supply chains by over 25%.  In terms of CO2 reduction, the impact is comparable to taking 2m passenger vehicles off the road every year. For the Philippines, there’s a more urgent appeal. The country is the top producer…

This story continues at The Next Web

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